"Georgie D."
"The family saga in this play was relatable and heartfelt all the way through. The audience was taken on a rollercoaster ride of emotions, ranging from anger to disgust, to forgiveness and acceptance. It also showed us the true meaning of togetherness and the power of saying, "I love you." --BROADWAY WORLD "How can such a bare-bones production like this provide such a gripping performance?...I'm always amazed when anyone can turn a rather mundane situation into an intense experience, and this Chain Theatre production is nothing short of impressive...The script perfectly captures the emotion of children who longed for the love they never received, and the cast expertly guides us through years worth of psychotherapy in less than two hours." --OPPLAUD "...a poignant story...Playwright Jessica Durdock Moreno has written a somber and emotionally driven story." --MORE THAN THE PLAY “To Richard!” "...such a wonderful antidote to all of the quirky parodies and imaginative world premieres I was able to attend this year. There’s nothing wrong with quirk but a piece of theatre crafted to highlight the abilities of two actors is always going to win out, in my book." --THE THEATRE TIMES "The brilliance of the script and the sheer power of the performances by writer/ director Jessica Durdock Moreno and Nicky Romaniello turn this somber subject into a hilarious romp...A roller-coaster of emotions...This one will have you laughing and crying at the same time." --LA MUSIC CRITIC |
“To Richard!”
"The sheer power of the performances by writer/ director Jessica Durdock Moreno and Nicky Romaniello turn this somber subject into a hilarious romp..." --LA MUSIC CRITIC “All Aboard the Marriage Hearse” "Jessica an irresistible force; it’s an absolute knockout performance. Moreno’s face is incredibly animated throughout...yet she never threatens to be simply “making faces”. One minute she’s sexy; then sulky; poutingly sad then genuinely scary, ice-cold with anger...(a) remarkable performance...such a gift of an actress who’s capable of wringing every single laugh from it." --THE SCOTSMAN "...But it was Moreno’s optimistic, fiery Amy that stole the show. Moreno’s range was astonishing, her performance as polished in moments of broad comedy as well as instances of stark poignancy. The (performance is) excellent." --BROADWAY BABY "Jessica Moreno (has) the ability to bring a real depth of well as possessing great comic timing...a flawless performance...executed to perfection." --EDFRINGE REVIEW "(The performance is) spot on." --REVIEWS HUB "Fantastic performance." --EDFEST MAGAZINE "Jessica Moreno and Tom Pilutik play Amy and Sean as a convincing couple. They make the conversations between the long-term partners realistic." --WEST END WILMA "Jessica Moreno and Tom Pilutik play a highly convincing couple. As actors their performances are strong, Moreno connects the required emotion as she pours her heart out to her boyfriend." --SINCERELY AMY "The acting is superb, and the onstage chemistry between Jessica Moreno and Tom Pilutik is undeniable, often causing the viewer to forget they are at the theatre and feel instead like a fly on a wall." --THE UPCOMING "Jessica Moreno (is) so delightful and compelling in this dramedic tête-à-tête." --GIA ON THE MOVE "Moreno gives a moving impassioned performance as Amy, who lays her heart bare." --STAGE RAW “Jessica Moreno displayed acute synchronicity of rapport, and what can only be described as patience, in the organic way she moved through the broadly varied beats within the play…portrayed with a jaw-dropping show of emotional stamina.” --LA SPLASH "A winsome performance from the pretty Jessica Moreno." --THE VILLAGE VOICE "Jessica Moreno not only amuses the audience with her performance, but holds them in rapt attention during the play's serious stretches. It's a true pleasure to be part of such a theatrical experience." --BROADWAY WORLD "Jessica Moreno is up to the challenge--and the play is more challenging, forcing its star to display a wide array of emotions in a short period of time. Her line readings, particularly as the play progresses, are quite impassioned." --OFFOFFONLINE.COM "Jessica Moreno's intensely heartfelt performance brings home the primal fight-or-flight response of emotions triggered by recognition of a potential betrayal to her very sense of life's essence." --NEW YORK CITY REVIEWS "Waitless" "Jessica Moreno...uses eye contact masterfully to engage with each individual audience member. She is believable as the character and has a fantastic presence on the stage which is fun and exciting to watch." -- BROADWAY BABY "As the leading lady, Moreno utterly steals the show with her raw energy and stage presence: she could be reading the shipping forecast and still hold an audience’s attention. The nature of Shelly’s character would be difficult to pull off for any actress, but Moreno manages to be endearingly gregarious without it ever becoming irritating or unneededly fake." --EDINBURGH 49 "The Inventor and the Escort" "Strong praise going to Moreno’s raw emotional output." --BROADWAY BABY "Strong, sympathetic performance from Jessica Moreno." --THE SCOTSMAN "Jessica Moreno softens beautifully as hardened Julia." --THE STAGE, UK "Moreno (achieves a) genuinely touching and effective performance." --EDINBURGH SPOTLIGHT "Moreno is smart, funny, sexy, flirtatious and at the dramatic climax heartbreakingly vulnerable and human. It’s a humbling performance to watch." --FRINGE REVIEW "The Inventor, the Escort, the Photographer, Her Boyfriend, and His Girlfriend" "Moreno, the MVP of the previous production of Angry Young Women, provides laughs and genuine emotion in this piece. A vivacious performer who knows how to sell broad comedy but is equally skilled at nuances and smaller moments. She brings her character to life through sheer talent and charisma, and demonstrates that she’s a capable dramatic actress as well." --TERRY MORGAN - THE LA-IST "Moreno’s interpretation of a feisty escort is natural and believable. She seems to not really be acting but instead living the part. She delivers her lines with gusto and plays with speech rhythms, often infusing otherwise normal dialogue with laugh-out-loud humor." --DAILY TROJAN “Angry Young Women in Low Rise Jeans with High Class Issues” "The cast shone, but the brightest of all was the larger than life Jessica Moreno. With outrageous bug eyes and complete fearlessness, she completely stole the show." --EDINBURGH EVENING NEWS “Moreno is impressive in her extraordinary performance as she whipsaws from monstrous bitchiness to genuine vulnerability often within a single sentence. She gets every detail right, from changes in posture to the sudden manic gleam in her eyes and combines them all to spectacular comic effect.” --VARIETY “Jessica Moreno dominates this scene with a fantastic portrayal of a desperate woman at the merciless whim of pharmaceutically-induced insanity. This was truly the highlight of the evening.” --LA SPLASH “Jessica Moreno must be absolutely one of the most uninhibited actresses anywhere. Her total energy was truly awesome.” --GOLDSTAR "Jessica Moreno delivers an excellent performance as she plays the emotionally volatile young woman." --NEW YORK COOL "All My Sons" "Jessica Moreno brings a well-timed comedic relief to the drama and gives a colorful performance." --DISCOVER HOLLYWOOD MAGAZINE "Jessica Moreno and Bill Doyle play Sue Baylis and Dr. Jim Bayliss with a certain knowing air about them that makes them two of the most delightful aspects of the production." --THE THEATRE TIMES "Jessica Moreno’s work as the Kellers’ pokey neighbor...adds plenty of welcome humor." --STAGE RAW “Good Tidings” "A thought-provoking drama powered by Jessica Moreno's moving performance." --FILM TALK |
“To Richard!”
"Somewhere along a wooded trail in the middle of Connecticut, something wonderful happened – at least if you were able to catch To Richard! at Hollywood Fringe Festival. Jessica Durdock Moreno wrote, directed and performed in this two-person show...It was a lovely time spent in the theatre." --THE THEATRE TIMES |
“To Richard!”
"This is the first self-directed show I have ever truthfully been able to recommend. Don’t miss this one – it could easily change your life." --LA MUSIC CRITIC |